Schmiede Festival

Am Mi 19. Juni 2024
von 14:00 bis 15:30
⌂ U HS 010 Audimax
Rüdiger Wassibauer, Marius Schebella, Mascha Beuthel and Florian Jindra will talk about the Schmiede festival.
Happening every year in September at Alte Saline on Pernerinsel in Hallein, Schmiede is a 10 day cooperative prototyping environment, focused on the arts, hacking and entrepreneurship. Schmiede is a place where your ideas come to play.
The possibilities are endless; you can work on multi-media art, video, sound, drawing, photography, interactive installations and prototypes, material explorations, craft, textiles and DIY projects, games and projection mapping, … and you can collaborate with other participants from diverse backgrounds. Most importantly: experiment and have fun.
While Rüdiger Wassibauer, the founder of Schmiede, will briefly go into detail about the history and mission of Schmiede, Marius, Mascha and Florian will present projects and works which have been created at past Schmiede festivals.
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